Jul 12, 2010

Force of Gravity - Jayden

Surrounded by pillows
3 years ago, Ivan tested and proofed that force of gravity do exist. Today, it's Jayden's turn to strengthen the already proven theory.

Jay fell off bed this morning with a loud plop and 2 disoriented adults scurried to his rescue. I jumped off the bed and was trying to focus to look for my darling in the dark. Jef jumped from his bed and thought that I stepped on Jay. I carried Jay and was mumbling to Jef to switch on the lights. "He felllll offffff bedddd .. Jaaaayy fellll offfff beddd ... Tuhhrrrrnn onn the lightss". I sounded like I was possessed. Exactly like the exorcist movie. Eerie and I was frightening myself with my own very-low-and-husky-voice. That's me, the disoriented adult No. 1.

The disoriented adult No. 2 had the idea that I jumped on Jay accidentally. He was in between wanting to turn on the lights and wanting to check on Jayden. He went back and forth, back and forth. He ended up scurrying over to us and hugged us both, then turned on the lights. 

Thank goodness nothing happened to Jay. He was probably traumatized and hopefully he takes our warning seriously from now onwards. (Riiigghhtt ... asking a toddler to be serious). Like Ivan, Jay loves to sleep by the edge of bed. He probably loves the thrill. *sigh*

Here's what happened 3 years ago.

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