Jul 23, 2010

The Little Secret

.. or when she nibbles on yours.

I need to warn you before you read on. This post may cause discomfort and may even be offensive to some of you. Well, I have a little secret to share. *blush* I love to nibble on ears. 

Don't get any wrong ideas, I don't nibble on anyone's ears but my sweetie pies' only. Seriously, I have no intention of sharing this little private secret with you but, I'm often misunderstood and hence, I felt compelled to explain myself. The nibbling action is as common as a hug and a kiss. It's just a simple gesture to show my love for them.

Like I said, I am often misunderstood. The boys perceived the action as 'provocation' and interpreted the gesture as 'annoyance'. *sigh* that is just so sad. The boys get annoyed by action of love and I was brushed off like how they do that to flies or mosquitoes. Like I am a pest. *sob*sob* When Ivan was about 3 years plus, he has started telling me, "Don't bite me !". Oh please, it's just a light nibble and no teeth were used in the action. Just a light, gentle nibble action done with loads of love.*cheeky grin*

Oh babies, please. I love you ... So, c'mon. Let me have a nibble .. :P

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