Jun 21, 2010

Not Going To Be Down.

Something is not right with me. A week ago, I have an unidentified pain in the abdomen area and I thought that a visit to the GP could help. GP diagnosed it as muscle ache and prescribed me with some pain killers. While it does help, but only when I am on the pain killers. Without them, the pain is back. So, I figured that muscle ache is not the real root cause. I woke up on Tuesday last week and found that the pain level has increased and I can't get out of bed without twitching my face. Mr Sweet Hubby brought me to the hospital to have my abdomen scanned. Multiple scanned done and good news is, my organs are all in perfect shape and size and I'm going to live for another lifetime. Bad news is, the pain still persists and no root cause found. The Dr diagnosed me as gastric-possible problem. Hmm, I never had gastric problem before and I don't really know how it felt like. I was given some medications (which tasted like grainy vanilla milk ... eewww, how I loathe milk !) I ended up not taking the medications because it's not really helping; the taste of the medications, I meant.

Last Saturday, I consulted a Gastroenterologists. Instead of saying, "I don't know what's wrong with you", she explained to us that every one has different definition of pain. Some may have lower pain tolerance level and some may have higher. They may have stomach ulcer and not realised it. She said, "It's just like how I ask you to define love." 

Jef and I was =_=" ..

To a certain extend, she's right. It's not easy to diagnose pain related to gastro. With that, she vaguely diagnosed me as 'Gastro Related Problem'. Well, to know exactly what's wrong with me, she can only tell with Endoscopic. In lay man terms, she's going to insert a tube into my mouth to my stomach (and probably colon), to view. I'm having second thoughts about it. I really don't want to know my tummy so up-close and personal. (and my colon too). I don't want to see how departure and arrival halls are partitioned and I don't want to say hi to Mr Tape worm. Eewww .. But, I have no choice. If there's no sign of improvements, I would need to do it, like it or not. So, Mr Tape worm, make sure you look your best and wave to say hi when Dr takes a picture of you ! And yeap, I'm Not Going To be Down !

This is my MC for last Tuesday. I left it in the hospital and collected on Saturday. The nurse gave it to me in the Biohazard bag. Didn't know MCs can be so hazardous. LOL


Carolyn (Lil' Dahling) said...

Poor thing. Must be you still dieting is it? I hope you're still coming for Joseph's bday. Which means I hope you get well soon! Take care ok?

JC said...

I wonder if any of our hospital have this camera in pill form that can be swallowed by the patient? Isn't this less invasive? Saw it on Oprah with Dr OZ last time.

Get well soon.