Apr 20, 2008

Bathing Time !

Ivan hates taking bath and a great deal of coaxing is required to get him into the bathroom. There will be plenty of negotiation done with Ivan each time before bath. It's a big hurdle and it's a daily event.

I have tried many fun things to attract him to bath but not hoping to build an excessive interest in bathing. (just don't grow up to be an ablutomania). I even tried bathing together to show him how easy it is to wash hair. Obviously it is not working very well. Each time when he takes his bath, he yells and screams as though I have just finished up his last box of chocolates. So much of fuss, so much of dramas and eventually, I got tired. We got tired.

This morning when I bath him, he went on his daily run-and-catch-me task. Catching him is still easy at the moment but struggling with him to the toilet door is backbreaking. While undressing him, he said this.

[Ivan] : Sunday no school.

[me] : Yes.....

[Ivan grinned] : Sunday no wash hair?

[me] : ha ha a .. who said so?

Nice try Ivan....

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