Feb 5, 2008

Chicken Pox !

I was busy lately. I was busy dealing with Ivan's Chicken Pox. Yah .. he was vaccinated when he was younger but he still caught the virus. He's one of the 15% population who still catches the virus even with vaccination and mr. li'l polka dot didn't have a good time with it. :)

It was itchy all over, it was polky dotty in bright red, it was no-this no-that and it was hilarious ! The amount of no-nos Ivan had to go through ! No chicken, no nuts, no oily food, no soy-sauce ... etc. That reminds me of an incident when I was down with Chicken Pox many many years ago ...

I went out with my brother-in-law and some cousins for lunch in Subang Parade. So, my aunty warned me in advance about what's forbidden and what's ok to have. Trust me, the no-no list is as long as your pasar-list. She warned about types of chicken that I can consume. Apparently, an old guru said I can eat if it's hen and no if it's rooster. Happily, we went to the mall for lunch. We had lunch in KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) and my brother-in-law went to queue up for our lunch while we kids wait patiently. When food is served, I asked cheekily, "hen or rooster?". He replied, "rooster". "Hey, but I can only eat if it's hen ... !". He went off to the counter and came back. "Sorry, I made a mistake. It's actually hen and not rooster."

He was obviously making it up. :) But what the heck ... I finished up my meal and I'm still alive !!

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