This is a stool. *Obviously*
This is the stool Ivan used to make him stand taller. To help him reach higher spots. Help him reach the higher shelf. Help him reach the orange drink on the kitchen top. Help him close the window in the kitchen. :) The stool that gives him a whole new perspective.
Reminds me of the time when we went to have our studio wedding pictures taken. I am shorter than Jef, a big deal. Well, several inches shorter to be exact. Anyway, throughout the whole photography session, I was made to stand on a box. Ughh .. just to make me taller and so that Jef can kiss me on the cheek without having to bend down alot. Hmm ... And when we went out for outdoor shootings, the photographer suddenly said this, "Oh no ... I forgot to bring your box ! (my box?!?!?!?!!)" So outdoor session proceeded without the box. Thank goodness God has created uneven land. Jef has to stand on a lower ground or he has to stand a tad further from me, one of the special effects.
Ivan, please don't grow as short as me baby ... Grow taller so that you won't need to bring the stool everywhere you go. If you are taller, you can reach the higher shelf (which has more unhealthy food aka junk food). If you are taller, you can wash your own hands and brush teeth on your own. You will be able to open the fridge door and hijack afew more bottles of Yakult, a couple more chocolate bars and another ice-cream. Oh ya, you will also look better if you are taller ! Hmm ... tall, dark and handsome Ivan? *grin*
Hehe I needed to stand on a stool in my wedding pictures as well, although I didn't think I was THAT short to begin with :p
hahaha .. probably they have the boxes in different heights? maybe you only need to stand on a 3 inches box and mine was about .. err .. 5 inches? :)
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