Sep 17, 2007

A Desperate Housewife in the Making

*grin* Did I say desperate? Haha .. of course I am not. I have 2 dominant males in my life and it's more than enough. I wouldn't want to be greedy in this aspect.

I'm home alone with Ivan again ! Woo hoo ... !

Being a full time housewife (well, for a couple of days) is really kind of fun. Instead of waking up every morning only to find that I'm going to be late for work, I was awaken by a smiley little boy. Obviously he woke up much earlier than me and was lying next to me, looking at me and waiting for me to wake up. And he was eagerly waiting for me to open up my eyes whenever I make a movement. *How sweet*

My daily routine chores as a housewife covers :
Bath Ivan, sterilise his bottles, cook him lunch, feed him lunch, play with him, nap with him, do house chores while he naps, cook him dinner, feed him dinner, play with him, bath him, kiss him goodnight. *pheww*

It may be routine chores but Ivan ensures that the routine get alittle out of hand once in a while, just to spice things up. He will help make your day eventful by breaking the rules, wetting the table, messing up the floor with crumbs, refuse to nap, cry for no reasons, being unreasonable etc etc etc. Oh ya, there are also days when meal served is not up to his expectations. That's when you will need to think fast and cook up something else much more interesting.

That was what my mom (a fulltime housewife) went through for me as well as other mothers out there for their children. I was told by some old wise ones that it's not a simple task being a mom cum housewife but I didn't think it will be this challenging.

Thank goodness it is only for a couple of days. Well, this doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy myself. I did. Just that even if I can afford not to work, I would still choose to have a career (no need fancy ones) over being a full time housewife. I wouldn't want to risk smelling like a burned chimney and with my award-winning dishevel look from top to toe.

Even after all that, I'm still happy to be home alone with Ivan ! Looking forward to more bonding moments like this ...


Tine said...

Hehehe, better enjoy now before 10 years later, he'll be telling you "Mum, don't do that, it's not cool" :p

littleComma said...

:) precisely. He will ban me from picking him up fro school and he will think that bringing lunch box to school is soooo uncool.