Jun 4, 2007

Snapshots !

Heck ... ! I've been trying hard *really hard* to take pics of ivan on camera but, still no hope. He will always dash towards you, eager to look at the screen on the camera. But hey, here's some really cute ones caught on my ... err ... 1.3 megapixel handphone camera

You can tell from this picture that he's a really curious boy. He's also the one who slept at 8pm yesterday night *much to my delight* and woke up at 10pm *uughh* and kept Jef and I up, watching Finding Nemo with him.

Here's my Vern Vern with his buddy, Doraemon. He hugs and kisses his toys generously but imagine we have to beg him for hugs and kisses. That only proves that I don't look anything like Pooh or Doraemon. Ha !

I told you I don't look like Doraemon. I'm cuter. I'm sweeter. I don't have treasure pouch ... but so what? I am with my treasure ... snuggling together, watching Finding Nemo. :)

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