Apr 26, 2007

Are you Aging?

Have you heard of 'The Mosquito'? This entry has nothing to do with my earlier one here.

Briefly, The Mosquito is a tone that supposedly emits a high-frequency pulsing noise that can only be heard by most people younger than 20 (and by nary a person older than 30).

So, I downloaded the tone and tested it out. I'm 30 something and I heard the tone !! And, I'm not that old afterall .. my ears are still sensitive and ear wax is not too thick. *grin* Then I played it for my colleagues. Most of them heard the tone except for 2 elderly colleagues. Said they can't hear anything but it's pretty annoying you know? How can you miss it ... unless it's proven to be true then !

Dare to take up the challenge? Listen to it and see whether you are teenager / adult / err .. elderly?

1 comment:

Tine said...

My colleague actually downloaded that ringtone into his phone, and drove us all nuts with it. The ones below 30 could still hear up to 17kHz, but the ones after that, I couldn't hear anymore. We used to tease the older colleagues about it. But honestly, the sound is REALLY annoying after hearing it more than once. Drove my dog nuts :p