Apr 24, 2007

Favourite Cartoon

Kipper is one of Ivan's favourite cartoon. It's supposed to encourage creative thinking, reinforces themes such as friendship, sharing and caring (blah blah blah). But .. I think it helps to build up patience in child instead. This is why ..

In one of the chapters, it talks about a little mouse who came down from the roof top to Kipper's toilet. This little mouse was God-sent to test Kipper's patience level :
a. It uses Kipper's toothbrush as body scrub
b. Leave the tap water on until it floods the toilet
c. Empty up Kipper's cornflakes and made it his bed and
d. Made a hole in Kipper's toy box as entrance to its 'room'

Wow .. if you were Kipper, what will your reactions be? You woke up in the morning and greeted with a flooded toilet. Proceed to brush your teeth only to taste soap in your toothbrush. Feeling hungry and there's none left in your new box of cereals. And, finds your toys outside of toybox because one tuuutt mouse used up your box as its room. As though this is not provocative enough .. the mouse snapped at Kipper for disturbing its sleep. 'Excuse me ... would you mind? I'm trying to get some sleep here.'

Will you :
a. *&^%^%$%&% WTF !
b. Break the mouse's neck
c. Pull its tail out and stuff it up its nose
d. Share your peanut butter toast with the mouse

Kipper chose option (d). Man .. ! Well, somehow the show kept Ivan entertained alot. Probably it's the simple colours and the white plain background. Or probably it's the theme song.

And I had to endure and watch along. But hey, if Ivan can pick up patience from this movie, then why not? Err ... I hope Ivan learned from Kipper and not the mouse !

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