You *must* have heard of the Earth Hour, going blackout for 60 minutes. Some say that this is too crappy, ridiculous and doesn't-do-much-good to earth and thus, it's just a marketing gimmick. Well, I did it last year and I did it again this year. Yuppie, we went 'black' for 60 minutes today, from 8.30 - 9.30 pm.
For me, I'm supporting this event because I could use this to my advantage in educating or creating awareness for Ivan. (Hmm ... Jay is too young to understand). Haha .. I told Ivan that we are saving energy. We will need to 'experience' being in the dark to understand the importance of light to us. Without light, it's inconvenient and we must conserve energy to keep the lights on. *ahem*
Ivan was excited about the idea of being in darkness as Jef bought him a torch not so long ago and he can finally put it to good use.
"Okay, let's switch off the lights. Mummy, your ThinkPad and your phone .. !"
"So, how am I going to see in the dark?", I protested.
"Use my torchlight !"
There .. the whole hour, Ivan went round the hall with his torch. On, off, on, off .. *sigh* We survived an hour in the dark (but with fans switched on .. *grin*) ! It wasn't so bad as we had the fans on and it was just 60 minutes. My mom missed half an hour of her favourite show but well, there's always a repeat in astro.
So, if you had supported the event, Hi-5 ! But if you missed it, it's all right, wait for the next year !
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