Feb 20, 2010


I have a little lembu at home. Lembu is a Malay word which simply means cow. Hmm .. yeap ! I have a little moo at home. Little moo Jayden. (Pheww, luckily moo is not his surname !)

He was born in the year of the ox and this 7 months old puffy huffy little cattle is just so aggressive and energetic !

Mind you, I'm not kidding. He's the most aggressive child I ever had and he does make the puffy huffy sound. Just to change his diapers for instance, one energy bar plus loads of creativity is required. He protests and struggles with you to roll over and reach out whatever in sight. To bath him, you will still need the same amount of creativity with 2 energy bars. He struggles to roll over in bath tub or straightens his legs to stand up. Often, a little splash over his head will tame the little bull down. Haha

Once, I woke up with a sore nose and face. I had suffered multiple non-stop kicks on the face while little moo does his morning kungfu. He is such a bad sleeper that he rotates 180 degrees when sleeping. Bless his future bed partner.

It's worse if he sights something interesting. He huffs puffs and reaches out to snatch it away from us. The more you try to pull him away, the more he fights back. That will usually ends up with a little spank on the hand. No snatching, baby.

Among all, I reckoned that the toughest must be when we carry him seated down. He yanks and pushes you away. He wriggles like a worm and fights to break loose. *as though trying to go down on the ground to walk on his own*. You have 2 options then. Let him down on the mattress to roll roll around and keep a close watch on him or carry him and do a little le tour de home. I usually choose the latter unless I'm really out of energy.

Oh, gotta go! Little moo is crying. Tata


Anonymous said...

Then you must be the ibu lembu...!

Carolyn (Lil' Dahling) said...

hahahah..ibu lembu, jayden and joseph can hi 5 with each other. exactly the same with huffs and puffs.I guess they have the same traits after all they are only 1 day apart.