Feb 24, 2010


With only 2 children, I'm already getting their names wrong. I'm calling Ivan Jayden and Jayden Ivan. Well, atleast Jayden is not old enough to be bothered. But Ivan, at times, he gives me the stare. Imagine we were in huggy puggy, feeling oh-so-sweet and then I said .. "I love you, Jayden.. (but because I'm responsive to near-critical condition like this, I quickly add in) daddy and Ivan !" *phewww*

What a blunder. Then I thought of a brilliant solution. I can call them Vern (for Ivan) and Dern (for Jayden). Vern and Dern. If you emphasis only on the 'ern', they wouldn't be able to tell the difference easily. Hhahaha, so, if there's another case of getting the wrong names again, I bet I could still cover up. But (hmmm), Dern does sound alittle funny, huh? *sigh* Any suggestions?

Maybe, I should just let it be. It could be comical at times, for eg. "Ivan, quickly finish up your milk ya" and Ivan would be smiling silly, knowing that I meant Jayden instead of him.

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