Sep 3, 2008

Bad Habits

Habits. Actions that we have performed so often that it becomes almost an involuntary response. Undesirable habits or also known as bad habits can be annoying to others, or just some acts done upon oneself. hmm .... such as people picking nose in the car and flick little sticky booger on the mat, some loves to rub in between the toes and after a good 10 minutes in the act, they will take a whiff like those scratch and sniff stickers. *tee hee*

Ivan and his bad habits.

Perhaps, not all of his bad habits but just one particular which annoys me big time. My lovable son wastes 50 cents each time when he has to take a dump. You see, he does his business while wearing the diaper and not in the toilet. It's seriously gruesome and not a sight you would like to recall when you tear open the parcel. Somehow, Ivan simply loves enjoys it when I have to clean his bottom with those uuughhhhh uuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh...

To break the habit, I tried scaring him with grisly stories of how rashes infest on humid, dirty skin area and the horrifying payoffs with the infestations. I also tried convincing him at how easy it is to wash off if he had done it in the toilet. *shrugs* Not working as well as I hoped for. Recently, he is having his toddler diarrhea. Ivan and diarrhea simply means many more of diapers in a day and bruised departure hall as a result of excessive cleaning using tissues. After several rounds of such frightful episodes, he finally took our advice and done it in the toilet. *grin*grin* Even though he has not completely convert to toilet bowl yet, but well .... bad habits die hard !

Now that I have disgusted you with Ivan's bad habit, to be fair to him, I'm sharing my bad habit which annoys Ivan big time too. I love to nibble on earlobes. Particularly those fat and fleshy and wobbly and rounded kind. *drool*

Ivan has these kind of earlobes. The perfect earlobes. And, what can I say? I just couldn't resist the temptations. So, I have been nibbling the little precious since he was a baby till recently ...

[irritated Ivan] : Mummy don't bite my ear ! This is not food ! That's food ... he said this while pointing to a satay stall. I tell Daddy later. He will scold you .. ! Huuupppffff

*tee hee* Bad habits die hard !

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