Jul 9, 2008

The Square Box

I'm not sure about you but I realised that whenever we are home, there's one single thing that we seldom neglect - The Square Box. The Square Box is the one that brings us the light and sound of world outside home. Life of another being, feuds of another family, the touching love story of 2 love birds and the greed of a person... etc etc etc ... ha ! I was referring to the Cantonese Dramas. Then, there are also the crime stories, game shows, reality shows, the CSIs (ooh Warrick...*sob*sob*), Chuck, MTVs, Little Einstein, Barney show, etc etc etc ..

Just like what I said earlier, we seldom neglect the Square Box, almost 80% of our time at home was spent with the TV turned on and us, glued on the couch. Ahh ... comfy couch after a long day at work. While we are on our comfy couch, there's another little being, sat somewhere in the living room, watching whatever we watch on the square box.

And the little couch potato's reactions are :

A. [Ivan bend over to kiss me and said] : Just like the che che* in the TV, kissing.
*(sister : we teach him to address girls as sister and boys as co co, generally)

B. [Ivan] : Mummy, that Tom and Jerry pull this up like that ! And then that naughty Tom and Jerry run run run with wee woo wee woo *siren*. There's cheese one !

C. [Ivan pulling a long face with hands wrapped up] : Like Tom and Jerry !

D. [Ivan] : Mummy don't change channel ! I want to watch !

E. [Ivan on a Sunday morning] : Mummy I want to watch cartoon. There's Barney ... !

F. [Ivan] : That naughty uncle beat beat beat !

Hmm ... this is so scary. Too much of TV influences? But how much of TV time is too much for a child? And I couldn't be possibly switching over to National Geographic or Animals Planet during my Cantonese dramas, right? Or can I? *sigh*

Then, I thought of something brilliant. *bulb lights up*

Shall share with you in the next post !

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