Jul 9, 2008

My Brilliant Ideas

I mentioned in my previous post about how excessive TV can influence Ivan. Well, I'm not too sure about it but I can already see some signs of a future-couch-potato. Hey, I wouldn't want to share TV with a toddler, ok? And needless to say, I need to have a workable solution instantly.

So, brilliant me thought of some extraordinary brilliant ideas. Hiak ! Brilliant or not .. try it out and you shall see.

1. Bring him out for fresh air.
  • You can wash car together
  • Let him ride on his motorbike
  • Let him help water the plants
  • Bring a ball out and play catch
  • Let him help you feed the fish outside
  • Bring him to park.
Why is this brilliant? :
  • Both of you get fresh air. Home could be stuffy at this moment.
  • You get to bond with your child. See, bonding doesn't stop when he turns 1.
  • He gets to learn things without you realising it. Ivan can tell which plants require more water and which will die when too much. He can also tell that washing car will make him wet from head to toe. Hmm ... he's also learning to get his learner's license in advance.
  • After a few hours of sweat session, he will be able to sleep better at night. 1,2,3 *snnooorree* --> that's me, not him yet
  • Both of you get fit together
  • If your spouse is joining in, that will be much better. Family bonding session. *wink*
2. Unleash the creativity in him.
  • Think of a fun activity that has to do with art and creativity. At this age, simple painting activities can help in boosting his creative sense. Jef just bought new set of books and some crayons for him. How sweet !
  • Cut out basic shapes such circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. With these shapes, form up things such as cars, house, etc.
  • Give him a piece of paper and pen. Both of you start to doodle and scribble on it.
Why is this brilliant? :
  • You get to relax as well. While your eyes can stay glue on the TV.
3. Play with him.
  • Grab his toys and start to play with him.
  • Play pretend. Pretend to be his favourite cartoon characters. I must say I have some talent in this area. I can be spiderman one minute and cat the next.
4. Talk to him.
  • Yak to him about school, about things, about your work, about the movie. Just yak non-stop and get him to yak along.
5. Change channel.
  • Love requires sacrifices. Change to his favourite channel.
:) Hopefully, I won't have to hide the TV remote from Ivan in future. Hmm, that's kind of hard to tell right now, huh? Allright ! I'm off to make his party pack paper bag !

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