Jul 28, 2008

Lunch Boxes

Lunchboxes. The little surprise box that you bring to school or to work. It's a surprise if someone else prepares it for you. This is the same little box that use up a fair bit of my brain juice everyday, just to think of what to prepare for Ivan to bring to school.

Bread with peanut butter? Bread with kaya? Muffins? Twiggies? Chocolate bread? Swiss Rolls? Cereals? Biscuits? It has to be different from yesterday's and has to be something that he likes (of course !) All of this to feed a 3 years old's fussy appetite. *sigh* . Mind you, it's really a mindboggling task.

I remember when I was in school, I used to bring a lunchbox too. But, mine is pretty much the same everyday. Bread with margarine or bread with butter. Not that I'm complaining but bread with the same spread everyday for many many years. How did I survive that?

I didn't.

By the time I'm in secondary school, lunchboxes became alittle 'uncool'. Hey, you cannot be having your bread everyday while your friends are eating out, right? So, that was when I started burying my lunch. Yah, I bury them the minute I'm nearby to home. Dig deep into the garden and bury the breads. Eerr ... I don't do that everyday,yah. Just once in a while. And I had to bury because I wouldn't want to hurt my mom's feelings. Remember it's a mindboggling task to prepare lunchboxes? (haha .. ! I didn't want to endure her nags too).

Those were the days. I can't remember when my lunchboxes started to cease. Perhaps, it was when my dad caught me burying once and he finally realised that I need to socialise during lunch with friends. :P or maybe my mom found all the buried evidences.*gasp*

So, now it's my turn preparing lunchboxes for my child. He has not learnt the burying trick yet and he does break my fragile heart each time he comes home with half eaten lunch. (karma?) But well, please tell me when you think you don't need lunchboxes anymore, ok. I can handle that allright, sweetie. So long you don't ask for extra allowances. *wink*

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