Jun 22, 2007

Disciplining Ivan

This is a really tough topic. Jef and I has agreed that one of us will need to be the Angel and the other the Devil. The Devil is the one who shall, well, be the one to scold, beat (if need to) and shows the grumpy side. And, The Angel will be the one rescuing, comforting and sweetest person on earth. Obviously, I'm the Angel and Jef is the Devil. Remember I said that it's not easy being a dad? (here)

With roles like that being assigned, Jef and I started our journey as parents. And, mind you, I love being the Angel. But, it wasn't as sweet as I thought it will be. Being the Angel, I seldom scold Ivan, I seldom upset him and I give in to his demands, most of the time. The results? He bullies me. He knows that he can get his ways with me and not with the Devil. So, whenever Devil says No, he will come to me. He wants to have Yakult, he comes to me, pulling me to open up the fridge. He wants to watch Shark Tale, he will whine and cry and pull me to the DVD player. *sigh* And, I happily obeyed. When he was younger, I would think that talking to him would probably make him understand instead of beating him. But, well, it doesn't really work. So, now that he's almost 2, I'm starting to hit him on his hands/legs. Surprisingly, (or not), he doesn't even flinch. He's acting as though the fly just flew pass by him. Even mosquito bites are more painful.

Let's talk about Devil Jef. *wicked*. It's a tougher role. He gets to hit Ivan, he gets to lose his frustation on him and he gets to ignore Ivan when he cries loudly. *lalallalalala* Hey, now this role seems to be better than Angel !

Today, tonight, we both became Devils. We both hit him. I hit him on his thigh when he couldn't stop pressing hard on my ThinkPad's keyboard. *I don't want to have coffee with my MD, explaining what happened to my ThinkPad, ok?* And seeing me hit him, Jef thought it must be something really bad that he has done. So, he came over and hit his arm too. But, that's all. We only hit him a total of 5 times. Then, Devils left him on the bed to cry his heart out. Knowing Ivan, he wouldn't stop crying until someone carries him up. So, he cried for a good 10 minutes. After that, Jef carried him and I took over and he slept on my shoulder. *Sigh*

Baby, just want to let you know that mummy and daddy are feeling really bad now. We are very sleepy but here I am, wanting to blog it down so that you will know how we felt in 20 years' time. You may feel the pain on your flesh, you probably felt like running away from home now or perhaps regretting why God chose you to be our child... but the pain we feel in our heart right now is 100 times more than your pain. *sob*sob*

It's not easy being a parent ...

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