Feb 11, 2010

Daffy Duck in Me

I speak funnily when I'm angry. The words came out jumbled up, wrongly pronounced and most often I'll just end up amused at myself and became less angry, which is good. One shouldn't stay angry for too long, it's unhealthy and cancerous.

Here are some examples and the intended phrase or words are in brackets.

" I say put it bown (down) ivan ! Why keep holding? (Why do you need to keep holding it?)"

" How many times you want me to repeat? Can you just put it pack (back) ? I'm warning you ahh.. One moore (more) pine (time), I'll slap you.. "

" Hey!!! Why are you so stubburnt (stubborn)? You don't undestandfth (understand) simple English huh (how to with me speaking like a daffy duck)? Later you'll spoilf it, you'll drop it! (You will drop it and spoil it!) don't ! don't touch my things! (Don't touch my things!) I count to three.. 1, 2 .. (I will not reach count of 3 usually) ! Quickly put it back... Or you'll talk to mr cane. "

Well, that doesn't seem so bad. Guess it has to be 'live'. You gotta see me in action to be able to agree. For the record, I do shout and hit ivan but I don't do slaps. Not his face. No.. It's just too wrong. :)

1 comment:

hui shian said...

hahahhaha... siu sei ngor la....