May 10, 2008


Dad's birthday was on the 06th. It has been about 8 years since he left us but there was never a day passed by without him being missed by us. Wished he's still here to celebrate with us.

He's not someone I can set aside easily even though it has been so long. He has been a big part of my childhood and many things or events that take place now, can easily remind me of him.

Photography. Each time when I see a photolab, I will think of his photolab. My dad used to own one in Malacca. An old shop, but besides the family, photolab was his life and soul. I can still remember how he used to walk in the shop with his face beaming bright and greet the customers. Everyone in the shop knows him well, and though he may not know them all, he was friendly to them. He was the friendly 'Mr Wong'

Old uncles. Old short uncles with bald spots on the forehead and dressed smartly. That's how my dad looked like. This would give me an image of how he will look like, now, if he has not left us. These uncles ... made me wished my dad is still around.

Fathers who help their child with the school bag. My dad used to help me with my bag when I was in primary school. My friends used to tease me about it but I appreciated that alot. The bag was heavy and he was so nice to help me. He wrote my name inside the bag and each time when I don't remember how to spell my name, I just need to flip the top over.

Durians. His favourite fruit. He filled up his orchard with this fruit. But unfortunately for him, he was a diabetic patient. And durian was a no-no for him. At times, he came back with a little durian stain on his moustache and mom will say, 'Next time, curi makan must remember to wipe your mouth'. :)

Cliff Richard ! His favourite singer with The Young Ones, Bachelor Boy and etc. The only English artist that he likes. (that I know of ! ) I bought him the cassette and we were playing it in his little car again and again ... :)

Sushis. I love sushi. Once when he was out getting some groceries with Jef, he came back with a pack of sushis for me. Can still remember his smile when he gave them to me. So each time when I have sushi now ... I will think of that moment.

My earrings. He bought me a pair of earrings from UK and it's my lucky pair since I found it again last year. Wear it to work everyday, feels as though he is near me each time.

The clipper. The clipper we use to hang up the negatives while waiting for *ahem* me to print. He used those clipper to pull out his short moustache during his free time. I can still remember the sound of the clipper, *eek*eek*ekk* while he clip clip clip. :)

The hospitals, the chemotherapy room. These, will bring back sad memories. His last 2 years spent in and out of hospital for treatments and checkups. I felt compelled to include this because, I'm guilty and regretful. I don't remember accompanying him to the hospital for treatments or even checkups. I was just too busy with my own life and because of the brave front he put on for us, I believed him that he's strong enough to be on his own. I never expected him not to heal actually. I always thought that God will not take him away from us .. not so soon. *sniff* Sometimes when I happen to be in hospital, and I passed by the chemo room, I do wonder how it was like for him. Wished I was there with him.

The Holy Rosary. Being in a Methodist school, I was drawn towards Methodist while my family are all Buddhists. During the last few month, he told us that he would like to convert. And he converted to Catholic. It was truly miracle as no one actually approached or preached him before. Perhaps, that was when he heard God's calling. So, he was the one who brought us all closer to God, to Roman Catholic and to the Holy Rosary.

So much of memories, and so much more. I remember him everyday as I do not want to forget how he looked like when I get old. Will I ever? Happy Birthday Daddy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahh, reading this makes me think of my dad too. :(