Dec 14, 2007

Did You Kiss Your Colleague Today?

When I started blogging, I told myself not to blog about work and I shall not bitch about my colleagues. (nah ... I don't bitch about others.... I'm a nice girl) And, today will be the first and the last time I'm blogging about that topic. I just have to blog about this.

On weekly basis, we have a cleaner lady who freshens up our office phones with some nice fragrances. She spritz it on a piece of cloth and goes around wiping phones. The spritz is fresh for every phone but the piece of cloth remains the same for the entire floor. Jef makes fun of me by saying, "What's the difference with you kissing your colleagues?". "eerr ... I don't feel their lips physically?". Jef is right actually. It's kind of unhygienic. Sharing the same piece of cloth that picks up dusts (and saliva) from every phones and finally to yours. And you will need to place the receiver near your mouth to speak. By doing that, you could have transferred some liquid over to the mouth piece and picks up some of the particles (and saliva) from that dreaded piece of cloth. uuughhhhhhhhh !!!!

So I shared the theory with afew of my close colleagues.

Today when the cleaner walks over to clean my colleague's phone, my colleague (who is normally very quiet) almost freaked out. Tak nak ! (translated as "Don't want !") So, I reckon that from now onwards, none of us will have our phone cleaned. Let it smell sweet with your body liquid instead of risking kissing with other colleagues ! Hello? Hello?

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