Hush baby hush ! A funny incident took place recently.
Imagine if you are a mom with a toddler of say, 2 - 5 years old. And you go shopping with your child alone. When you need to go to the ladies' room, what will you do?
(a) Bring your child in the toilet cubicle with you. Ask your child to have his/her back turned towards you and warn him/her not to turn back.
(b) Leave your child waiting outside of the toilet cubicle
(c) Tell your child to wait for you outside of the toilet
And back Hush baby hush! .... This is what happened. I was in the ladies and in the next cubicle, a mom brought her daughter into the cubicle with her and ... this is their conversation :
[daughter] : eee ... Mummy ! shame shame !!
[mom] : sssshhhhhh!!!!!!! Don't say that out loud !!!!
[daughter] : eee ... Mummy, why do you have so much of hair on your butt butt?
[mom] : sssshhhhhhhh !!!!! Keep quiet !!
[daughter] : But your butt butt has so much of hair !!
[mom] : Hey, keep quiet !
She brought her daughter in and you knew what happen next. But if she were to leave her daughter outside, she would be blamed by husband, society and herself for leaving her there if something were to happen.
So how? What should she do? What can she do? *sigh* .... But, hehhehe ... the incident above is really hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing the moment I stepped out from toilet. *grin*
hmmm... butt butt?
in the light of recent events, i think mother should show their butt butt to their daughters.
hi, nice blog... why show butt to whom... zewt..zewt..
Hi guys ... thanks for dropping by !
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