How does it feel like to wear a cow bell like the one in the picture? I need to wear one. It will be similar to the chimes of laughter to alert Ivan with mummy's whereabout. Simply because mummy cannot be out of Ivan's sight even for a second. When I'm at home, you could hear 'Mummy ! Mummy ! Mummy !'. It's like mummy here, mummy there, mummy everywhere ...
If you look closely, you will be able to see an invisible string tied on the Ivan's hand and mummy's hand. Something to keep us together. Ivan should learn to pull the string and pull mummy to him and then, I won't have to wear the cow bell :)
On a side note, I now know understand alot of things better, particularly how my mum felt previously when I was a kid until I grew up and till now. All of this, thanks to Ivan and Andrew.
Now I know how my mum felt when I was little and stick to her like super glue. It's a warm kind of feeling. To be wanted and demanded. I feel like a superstar.
When I started school, now I know how my mum must have felt when she had to wake up during wee hours in the morning to prepare breakfast for me. I took her for granted and always didn't finish up my breakfast.After school, now I understand how exhausted my mum must be when she had to pick up after me. My school uniform, socks, shoes and books.
During weekends when I thought it was break time for me, I know now she must have felt frustated trying to get me to study and do my homework instead of staying glued to the telly.
Because of the constant scoldings I get, (just like any other teenagers, I was quite rebellious at that time) I start to distance from her. Now I understand the hurt she must have felt.
Now I know how my mum felt when she was screaming at the top of her voice to get me move my ass to help her with house chores. She had to tear my book to get me moving. She must be hysterical to be doing that !
Now I know how glad my mum must have felt when I became closer again after becoming a mum myself. *aawwwww*
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