Aug 13, 2007

Wandering Thoughts

Attended training class today and midway through, my attention wandered as the instructor droned on ..

1. With so many crimes took place in Malaysia recently, ever imagined what a tour guide might introduce our country as?

"Here's where the body was shot and blew up" or "This is the apartment unit where the murder of so and so took place." or "This is the famous bridge where the girl's body was dumped" blah blah blah ...

What is wrong with the society recently? I'm a really sibuk girl ... I love to read crime stories at but, I also want a safe place to live in. I want a safe place for Ivan to grow up and have fun. I want to be able to let him cycle out alone to nearby friend's place by the age of 10. I want him to be able to take the train to school when he's in high school. *sigh*

Reading crime stories that took place in your own country is not really that intriguing actually.

2. My plants at home are being infested on by tiny white parasites again ! Somebody please teach me how to kill those parasites ... *uughh*

1 comment:

Tine said...

Hahahahah ... yeah, that would be a hoot. In future, they're going to have Malaysian's very own "Dungeon" (like in the UK) tours, just to show where all the famous (and infamous) murders/suicides/blow-ups take place.

But on a more serious note, yeah, I do agree, Malaysia really isn't a safe place to live anymore. More and more of these stories are appearing in the papers. And who's to know that there probably WERE such stories before, but only reported now because more and more of these cases are happening?

It's simply frightening :(