Aug 25, 2007

my littleComma is 2 !

Ivan was just the size of a little comma when he was a little foetus of 2 months old. Tiny weeny punctuation mark, living in me. Since then, throughout the whole nine months or so, I'd nicknamed him as my littleComma.

During every checkups, I get to view and adore my littleComma and notice how fast he has grown (to a coffee bean size !). I can still remember when Dr Jason counted his little fingers and toes ... '1,2,3,4,5 .. your son has 5 fingers and 5 toes on each hands and legs'. And that is when I decided that as long as he grows up a happy healthy boy, I wouldn't mind much if he's not the top 10 in class.

He used to kick me alot esp after meals, when I want to poo poo (hahahha) and when he's playing with me. I can still remember the little game we play too. I used to knock on my tummy twice and he will reply me with a kick. Hey .. no joke. I enjoyed my pregnancy and I carried him with a glow on my face. There were times when I was sick and I even had this pregnancy diabetes and all that .. but that doesn't stop me from being happy.

The day came when I was about to see him. I was ecstatic and have butterflies in my stomach. But luckily I was calm enough to pack my bag with the remaining stuffs and brought my MIL and mom to the market. Later on, I was on the oxytoxin drugs and damn it was so painful ! I was admitted at about 11.30 and I was properly introduced to Ivan at 15.36 hrs.

He is a fair, skinny, surprisingly clean baby. (Clean? Yah, I was told to expect a bloody, dark baby). But no, he was clean. He was loud. He is mylittleComma ....

Time flies really fast for those who blinked.

And I did.

I blinked and Ivan's already 2. The past 2 years with Ivan was a real journey and I'm looking forward for more. I'm hoping that I will not be those who wished to turn back time for the undivided attention from their children when they were just 2. Well, I know that someday he will grow up to be a rebellious teenager who will beg to be ignored and left alone. When that day comes, I shall watch him from the corner of my eye and will be there for him when he needs me.

But now, even though a year older, he has not shown signs of trying to brush me off yet. *phheeww* What's that baby? You want Kakult? (translated as Yakult) I will be right there !

Yah .. talk about who is in control? Happy birthday sweetie !

P/s : Happy birthday Laila ... :)

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