Jul 29, 2007

Who Broke My Glasses?

Oh .. this is fun. This is my very own 1st episode of CSI (home edition).

Victim : me.
Object : my glasses.
Suspect : who else if not Ivan?

This is the 2nd pair he broke. The first time he broke my glasses, I had to make do with temporary solutions like cellophane tape the glasses and the handles together. Had to use that for a week before I got my new pair ready.

But thank goodness the pair that he broke now is not the new pair. Instead it's the old pair that I sent to be fixed (as spare). I just got it back like last week and I'm beginning to prefer the old pair compared to the new one. I kind of look 'friendlier' with the old pair and look fierce (like a step mom) with the new one. Ha ! Probably Ivan preferred me with the step-mom look?

So anyway, Jef tried to do some prep talking (plus punishment) with Ivan instead of pulling Mr Cane out. And the conversation goes like this :

Jef : Who broke mummy's glasses? Is it you?

[Ivan nodded]

Jef : Why did you do that? It's the 2nd time you broke mummy's glasses you know? Glasses are expensive, Ivan and it will also hurt your little hand in the process.

[Time for punishment]

Jef : Ok Ivan .... Where are your ears?

[Ivan doing some baby gibberish and pointing to his ears]

Jef : Pull your ears, Ivan. Pull hard ok ...

[Ivan say some baby gibberish again and pull Jef's ears instead]

Jef : Hey .. pull your ears and not mine !

Hmm, that action caught Jef and I by surprise. That's a really smart boy of mine huh?

In another incident today afternoon, Jef drove Ivan out hoping that he will sleep in the car. (read about Ivan's odd sleeping behaviour in here). It's entirely my fault for letting him play in my car at driver's seat sometimes. Anyway, as a result of that, he insisted to sit infront today. So, Jef let him sit infront (after grumbling something to me about it's my fault for his new demand), provided that Ivan promise to fasten the seat belts.

While Jef is trying to fasten the seat belts, Ivan was protesting with his 'Mm-ooi' ('No' in Cantonese dialect). Again, Jef tried out with his prep talk skills for the 2nd time today.

Jef : Hey, if you want to sit infront, you must use the seat belts. It's dangerous and if you fasten your seat belts, I will drive down further.

Ivan agreed.

After we are about 5 km away, he started protesting again. Mm-ooi ! Mm-ooi ! *uuhh*

Mr Unusually Patient : Ivan, the seat belts is use to protect you. It's dangerous to be on the road without them and if you want to sit infront, you must use seat belts. Unless you want to sit at the back with mummy?

Ivan shook his head indicating that he doesn't want to sit behind but still protest about the seat belts.

Mr Unusually Patient : Ivan will need to listen to daddy, ok? We will loosen it up alittle, with your hand here and the other hand here (he's trying to make Ivan as comfortable as possible) ..

Finally, Ivan obeyed and slept after a good 5 minutes drive out. We went back home with Ivan sleeping upstairs and me doing gardening. (ya, I did gardening !)

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