Probably I complaint too much about 'so much chores but so little time' because, God granted me with a wonderful assistant. I have a son that still love to help me out with house chores. I have to emphasize on the word 'still' as children tend to loose concentration very quickly. But for Ivan, he is still in the mood to help. :)
Now, what's with house chores and Ivan. How does he helps and how much?
I took the broom from the kitchen and just when I was about to sweep, I'll find his little hands holding on to the broom tightly as if he is fighting with me for the broom. Even when I thanked him politely with thanks but no thanks Ivan. Mummy can handle this. He insisted. And I had to give in. Once I let go off the broom, he will sweep several corners of the living hall, few steps on the staircase, a couple of squares in the dining. Well, wonderful assistant doesn't mean they are consistent right?
After dinner, I will wipe the table. I have this glass top dining table which I love alot and I will keep it clean all the time by wiping it many many times a day. Trust me. Even CSI team wouldn't be able to trace out any fingerprints. Anyway, when Ivan spots the cloth, he will demand for another. To help me out. This, I truly appreciate. Other than table top, he will also help to wipe the chairs and even the kitchen cabinets !
When I load my laundry into the washing machine, he will tag behind me and pass me the detergents and softener. When I try to explain why I don't need softener yet, he will whine and bug me till I pour some in. This is what I shall regard as room for improvement as he needs to understand that softener comes much later. Besides these, Ivan's role includes switching the machine on and off too. Yeah, like switch on for 2 seconds then he will press on pause for 5 seconds before switching back to on. This goes on and on until I distract his attention with something else.
Those mentioned above are indoors activities. Outdoors are went Ivan help to brush dust off my car. (or even daddy's car) With his hands. Just like how you had probably imagined it, the moment we 'released' him from his home-based prison, he will indulge in his brush-dust-off-the-car activity. With his hands. Minutes later, he will ask for help to turn on the gardening tap. Simply because he wants to help to water the plants.
Refraining him from all of this will only means refraining him from exploring further (not to mention his way of showing how persistent he is by crying out loud). I will try to take some pictures of him during duties to share. Probably later.
As much as I appreciate how much effort he puts in to help me out, I will also appreciate if he could learn up fast on how to help out - the proper ways. Perhaps, a crash course on house maintenance? Anyone? :)
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