God gave me a challenge in life, which I could not resist. He gave me Ivan.
Ivan has shown me many things in life. He has shown me how to eat egg using an upside down fork. He has shown me that it is possible to poo standing up. He has shown me how it feels like to be bitten by a toddler's new set of teeth. He showed me interesting ways to drink water (yeah, instead of just glupping water down your throat straight, you can actually pour it from cup to cup and then only drink it).
Ivan has also helped me alot. He's a little helper sent by God. He helps to sweep the house with my wonderful 3M broom. He helps to throw rubbish into the dustbin. He helps to wipe the table, chairs, mirror and his face with the super absorbent 3M sponge cloth. He also helps us to loose weight. We had to run around the mall chasing after him. He helps us train up our voice too by shouting at him each time he refused to listen.
Ivan made us realise how important time is. Before him, we were basically wasting our time lying around watching tv, loafing in malls, etc etc etc (ha !) and now, with him, we had to cherish every minute of our time alone when he's asleep. When he's asleep, I will do ironing, gardening, office work (left overs from weekdays). I didn't know that I can do so much in an hour or two !
Ivan taught me to eat real fast. This is the most exciting thing. Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner or even when it's just snack time. I had to make my choice of dishes fast and chew them quick before he's done with his meal or before he's bored sitting down waiting for us. I realised that the older he is, the faster he is done with his meal. I have to keep up with him.
I used to be kind of close to Mr Chow. (Chow Kong. Translated as God of Sleep). But now, I'm seeing lesser and lesser of him. I devote my sleeping time to scratching Ivan's toes, hands, legs, neck, back and even he's butt-butt ! At times, Ivan feels like practicing his loud voice in the wee hours like 4am and .. for no reasons. He will wail and cry as loud as he could. So, Mr Chow, see you soon. I have to leave early as my son's crying for my attention.
I finally realised this and I want to thank you God, for all the challenges you showered upon me. Amen
And now if you will excuse me.. I want to cherish my time and catch the repeat of CSI Supreme Sunday !
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