My mornings have been rather pleasant recently. I can almost smell the fresh flowers from my neighour's garden and greeted by the chirping morning birds at the windows pane. Aaaahhh ..
Thanks to Jef and his wonderful suggestion.
The Suggestion :
He suggested for Ivan to brush his teeth every morning now that he's 4 years old.
Hmm, I was rather skeptical about it at first. Imagine waking up the sleepy head and get him to brush his teeth. It would probably be like waking one bat up and risk being attacked by the group of them.
The Test:
'Morning Ivan ... Wake up luu. Do you want to brush your teeth?'
Ivan nodded and got up.
*gasp* Unbelievable..
The Results:
Been for 3 mornings (so far) that Ivan wakes up happily to brush his teeth and dress up for school.
We no longer have a cry baby going to school every morning. That's indeed amazing as Ivan has been crying for months last year, each time we drop him off in school. So now, instead of a tearful boy with a heart broken mom (or frustrated dad), we get a cheerful boy who kisses his mom on the lips and hugs her tight whenever I drop him off. Hmm ... what a wonderful change. Wonderful, wonderful change.
You will probably wonder how was it like before these 3 days. Hmm ....
Life Before the Suggestion:
1. I wake up and turn the air-cond off, switch the fan on (with 1 hour timer) and pull the curtain slightly open, just to brighten up the room.
2. Brush my teeth, wash my face and change my clothes.
3. Wakes Ivan up and change him (while he's lying down on the bed with his eyes closed)
4. Do some painting on my face (some calls this act as makeup) and with Ivan still half asleep on the bed.
5. When I'm done, I will wake him up and we'll go downstairs.
There... this is the legacy way. The wrong way to start a day for little one. Ends up with a sleepy boy (and probably cranky at times). Jef noticed this and highlighted to me as critical area for improvements. Tadaaaaa !!!
He's right. Yes, I hate to admit it but he's right. (Well, atleast for this once). Hmm, what will I do without Jef.
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